Posted by Andrew Blaszczyk (2) on February 5, 2005 
Great shot, Nathan. Definitely my vote for PotW!
Posted by Sid Vaught on February 6, 2005 
Nice shot! I must say VIA seems to have dressed up the "Darth Vader" P-42 about as well as humanly possible.
Posted by Colorado Zephyr on February 6, 2005 
Way to go, Nathan. Fine catch - Photo of the week in my book.
Posted by Earl Minnis on February 6, 2005 
Great catch, Nathan. I really like the location you've chosen....
Posted by Peter Maclean VA3VIA on October 10, 2012 
Nice shot! How do you get to this location? I've been to Kingston Mills before but never this vantage point
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