Posted by Robert Jordan on May 9, 2020 
Thanks, my first own dog was a Collie, Buster, how original, Sable and White. Don't see that many around anymore. He was a classic collie, wouldn't fight but when confronted which happened several times he would get low and pivot around nipping at legs.
Posted by John Higginson on May 10, 2020 
Great story and great photo.
Posted by Steve Larson on May 10, 2020 
"Well done Lassie" You brought me that train just because I said fetch. You can relax for another minute or two.
Posted by FSWood on May 10, 2020 
Switcher locomotives, blue skies, green leaves, and collie dogs, a pretty grand combination of you ask me! (okay, yeah, actually is a hazy overcast, but you know that you know what I mean!) And while talking about collies - in late 1970s we acquired one as a rescue from a borderline abusive breeding situation. She had been a registered show dog but we soon wondered if she'd ever had a chance to really be a puppy: rough and tumble sports with us boys was her game, if sports were on, she was in! A fair number of great memories and stories involve her, Brandy was a character. We got her during Christmas season, she'd never been in a house before and freaked out at the Christmas tree lights. Then she jumped in Dad's lap when my brother started his train set. She went from that to going canoeing with us, to going ralifanning with me, to playing "No guts no glory" soccer and Nerf football, to ... well, I'll stop the train-length list here; except for one last bit: every 3 months or so Mom would take Brandy to get groomed, the groomers would attache little pink tulle bows behind her ears & for about 2 to 4 days afterwards Brandy would be doing all the show poses of her own accord, then, okay that's enough of the Princess act, back to tomboy lady jock! As you have likely already deduced, she was a great pal.
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