Posted by Dan I. on April 27, 2020 
This photo makes me sick to see it. Millions of dollars of equipment sitting there rusting way and not making revenue. Is this due to the corona-virus thing? Is it caused by mis-management? With the economy booming just a few months ago, why do scenes like this appear all over the country? I just do not get it. I reside next to the CSX KD Subdivision in the northern part of East Tennessee and I do not see as many trains like I used to in the past. I remember when I would see as many as twenty trains , give or take, in a full day. Now lucky to see three to six a day or sometimes, none at all.
Posted by David Gustof on April 27, 2020 
I believe this has more to do with "precision scheduling" than the corona virus or the recent downturn of the economy. Although the downturn with make scenes like this much more common.
Posted by bnsf_fan on April 27, 2020 
Why are you so concerned with whether UP is earning revenue or not, Dan I.? How do you know that they aren't despite these locos being in storage? Maybe these are engines that have seen their last days on rails and will be sold off or maybe they are simply being stored in reserve in case they are needed for bigger projects. Who knows? But to say that you are disgusted by this scene without knowing the true context of why they are sitting there is a bit over the top.
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