Posted by FSWood on September 26, 2019 
Their swimwear and surfboard colors almost have photo looking like an ad for Metrolink branded swimwear and surfboards.
Posted by Sid Vaught on September 26, 2019 
I you look very closely you’ll see the train.
Posted by Troy Staten on September 26, 2019 
There's a train in the picture?
Posted by Nigel Curtis on September 26, 2019 
Posted by Greg T. on September 26, 2019 
How PC!
Posted by Sid Vaught on September 26, 2019 
Somewhere Virgil Staff is smiling. You gotta be an old timer to get that one.
Posted by Doug Lilly on September 26, 2019 
Despite the proclamation in the "Creative Railroad Photography" album, below, this shot is definitely a wedgie!
Posted by Eric W. Benson on September 29, 2019 
Foreground clutter?!?!
Posted by Jim Sinclair on September 30, 2019 
Sid Vaught, I'm old enough to remember Virgil Staff (LOVED his photos!), but I don't remember him sharing anything that was quite this revealing! Excellent photo, Matt, and thank you for sharing!
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