Posted by Dale Roth on September 30, 2018 
Looks as if the boxcars took off their shoes(trucks) and laid down to sleep. That would be easy to model.
Posted by DLHACE on September 30, 2018 
This looks like a "Wyoming" type Snow Drift Fence.
Posted by Curious142 on September 30, 2018 
How long have those boxcars been there? Just curious.
Posted by Arne Brown on October 1, 2018 
Thanks all for the comments. Some of the boxcars still have the trucks attached, some are off but still leaning on the undercarriage. They're certainly heavy enough for a snow drift fence, even for Wyoming! I believe this happened June 30th of this year.
Posted by Jeff Swanson on October 2, 2018 
Looks like a 'string-line' incident.
Posted by Kibu on November 3, 2018 
I see this and mentally I hear a loud "Twang" followed by several loud thuds.
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