Posted by on December 5, 2017 
That is certainly a "wow!" shot, congratulations, well done. I love it.
Posted by John Simpkins-Camp on December 5, 2017 
Mega glint!! This is both fun and jaw-dropping! I like how the trains show the distant topography....very cool!! PCA nominated.
Posted by pjflstc on December 6, 2017 
Jake, Could you please clarify. I count 4 consists. There's possibly 1 more way in the distance that could be another consist. Or it could be trees, buildings or an illusion. How many were there?
Posted by Jake Siegel on December 6, 2017 
Thank you Jean and John, it was quite thrilling to see in person for sure! And pjflstc there is 3, the one at the very top right corner is actually just the rails glowing from the sunlight.
Posted by Eugene Armer on December 20, 2017 
Stunning shot!
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