Posted by SAR Connecta on November 14, 2017 
Exceptional historical image superbly brought into the digital era - love it!
Posted by Jeff Schramm on November 14, 2017 
Anyone know what the fuel is? It is uniform sized blocks. Some sort of briquette coal?
Posted by on November 14, 2017 
Very British-looking engine
Posted by Scott Cunningham on November 14, 2017 
These photographs are superb Brian. Thank you for sharing them!
Posted by Raymond Kennedy on November 14, 2017 
Posted by Troy Staten on November 14, 2017 
Wonderful photos, the fuel in the tender might be old railroad ties.
Posted by pjflstc on November 14, 2017 
Not much of a cab on that locomotive. Wouldn't provide much protection from the weather.
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