Posted by J.PO on July 20, 2017 
Who wants to go in on a time machine with me?
Posted by Steve Larson on July 20, 2017 
I would love nothing more than to revisit this time & location with you, J.PO. This is truly a piece of nostalgia that anyone would really appreciate visiting. Thanks, Steve, for sharing this with us. PCA.
Posted by Jeff Swanson on July 22, 2017 
Agreed! Love your contributions Steve!
Posted by joe on April 18, 2024 
This photo, the track doesn't look too bad for the main and passing siding. Although, compared to a different one from 1979 before the shutdown, looks so much worse. The removal of electrification was the worst thing they could have done. Just think how traffic could have boomed with the only electrified freight line in this area during the oil embargo. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, repeatedly.
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