Posted by FSWood on April 17, 2017 
It goes without saying therefore I'm going to say it anyway, you know how everybody does that; building there would make a nice model for a model railroad layout.
Posted by FSWood on April 17, 2017 
Just looked it up on Google Maps Street View and on other side of building on County Road 64 there are a couple people riding horses in the middle of the road! Heading away from intersection shown here. As view gets closer they move over to right shoulder. And there are 3 canoes stacked at end of a couple sheds along road behind the building. That's pretty cool.
Posted by FSWood on April 17, 2017 
Other items of interest very close, about 400 feet toward and behind viewer/photographer from the picture are a covered bridge with a sign for Covered Bridge Museum and alongside it is one of those highway bridges with the diamond pattern metal grating road surface. I still remember the sound of driving on those from when I was a kid in the 60s and 70s.
Posted by Tim Stockwell on April 19, 2017 
Thanks for your comments, FS! Yes, Shushan would be a great place to recreate on a model railroad! In addition to this scene and everything you mentioned, there's an old station just behind where I was standing here, and the northernmost crossing in town has an old, wooden, diamond-shaped crossing sign.
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