Posted by C.Savoni on December 7, 2014 
Not to many of these units around hope restoration is in its future ! Great catch Ronnie !
Posted by Rich Brown on December 13, 2014 
GREAT to see an "old friend " again. I can remember often seeing these WARNER Baldwin switchers in a yard alongside the Pennsy mainline ( "somewhere" between Trenton and North Philadelphia ) when I was a kid in the 1950s. Hopefully this unit will be preserved , having survived this long.
Posted by Rich Brown on December 27, 2014 
Further on-line research shows that the WARNER - PRR interchange would most likely have been in Morrisville, PA, just across the Delaware from Trenton.
Posted by Tom Starr on February 14, 2015 
Where's SMS when one needs them!?
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