Posted by Thomas on March 23, 2014 
That dummy probably has no idea how stupid he really is.
Posted by on March 24, 2014 
Not a wise move, however, it looks as if the train wasn't that close. Telephoto compression. Over exaggeration?
Posted by J. Randall Banks on March 24, 2014 
Having been to that crossing countless times, that train is far far closer than it safe. The gates, with trains from that direction, seem to go down sooner, since you cannot see the trains before they come around the corner.
Posted by Dana M. on April 18, 2014 
As a "Buckeye" from Ohio, all I have to say is: "Wolverine" road kill isn't missed nor is a tear shed for one! As for this guy, he will probably win a "Darwin Award" eventually and he's supposed to be smarter than a Wolverine..but then again he DOES live in Mi..(cough, cough)..gan! LOL
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