Posted by Doug Wilson on October 3, 2013 
In the near distance from the highway appears a black line, some exposed, some buried. Is this a pipeline or an aqueduct? Also; Between the highway and black line appears to be railroad crossties. Is this an abandoned railroad grade? Also; In the far distance towards the bottom of the playa; Is this yet another train? Thanks
Posted by Entre Durmientes (Mauro C.) on October 4, 2013 
Hi Doug. The first thing you mentioned is correct, it is a pipeline, probably of water. There are many on all sides, due to the large number of mining projects. The second thing you mention, are simply traces left machinery (tractors, mining machines) passing through there. Not are remnants of a former railway line. In the far distance towards the bottom of the beach, are just uneven terrain. Regards from Chile, and thanks.
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