Posted by Tom on April 28, 2013 
I'm no real judge of photography but this one sure caught my eye- railroad content, action, people,speed... Very nice and eye-catching
Posted by Run8diesel on April 28, 2013 
And there you have it - a signature Mitch Goldman shot! Well done Mitch!
Posted by Craig Walker on April 29, 2013 
Very well done!
Posted by J Gilbert on May 1, 2013 
Making lemons into lemonade, as usual. Great capture, Mitch!
Posted by on May 2, 2013 
A classic Mitch pan!
Posted by Jim Sinclair on May 3, 2013 
I like it, Mitch! Two thumbs up!
Posted by Janusz Mrozek on March 15, 2015 
Cool to see the color signals come out so well, nicely done!
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