Posted by Greg Hager on February 6, 2013 
V24 was originally built for North Carolina DOT from a GP40 by AMF in Canada, as 1768 City of Charlotte. It was later sold to VRE.
Posted by Mitch Goldman on February 7, 2013 
ARMY TIMES REPORT: BOWLING GREEN, Va. — The Army is ending a pilot project to transport troops from Fort Lee to Fort. A.P. Hill, according to a news report. Officials cited a “changing fiscal environment” as the reason for ending the project, The (Fredericksburg) Free Lance-Star reported. Four passenger rail cars were to be used to transport soldiers between the posts for training. Buses have been used to move troops the nearly 60 miles between the installations. The Army previously said rail transport would remove up to 4,000 buses and 320 tractor-trailers annually from Interstate 95. Several rail cars and locomotives purchased from Virginia Railway Express will be used by the Army for other purposes.
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