Posted by Fabrice Lanoue on December 1, 2012 
It reminds me something ! Very nice with the reflect !
Posted by henry elliott on December 1, 2012 
Love it Steve, cracking shot!
Posted by Jon Wright on December 1, 2012 
Neat concept. The framing of the tunnel portal, reflection and light make it work.
Posted by Billie Bell on December 1, 2012 
Simply beautiful. Love steamers, and also tunnels. Thank for sharing this with us Mr. Armitage.
Posted by Jeff Sell on December 1, 2012 
Nicely composed! There's a lot to look at in this one even though the photo is framed by looking out through the tunnel. The brick detail of the tunnel is interesting as well as the pool of water. Good job!
Posted by on December 2, 2012 
Everything really came together here effectively. Nice scene, framing, and composition, Steve!
Posted by Janusz Mrozek on August 19, 2016 
A beaut! Love the texture on the inside of the tunnel.
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