Posted by Kevin Madore on June 1, 2012 
One of the best locations on the railroad. Very nice, Markus!
Posted by John R on June 1, 2012 
One of the best RR pictures I have ever seen. Looks like an artist's rendering. Great shot. Thanks for posting.
Posted by Mark Rosnick on June 1, 2012 
I agree with the earlier comment, it looks like a painting. Spectacular.
Posted by on June 1, 2012 
Beautiful processing and composition. The placement of the engine is perfect in relation to the mountains in the background. A well balanced photo, Markus that gets a PCA vote from me!
Posted by John R. Hill - Sonlite Photography on June 2, 2012 
Great shot. That would make a good calendar or wall photo.
Posted by on June 3, 2012 
There really has been a handful of just flat out exceptionally well done images added to the website over the few weeks that I've been at a loss of which one should get my vote and which shouldn't ( in the case of I'm torn over which one to chose). Another exceptional image, Markus!
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