Posted by Thomas Seiler on May 1, 2012 
Nice job your doing providing some excellent coverage of these fine old machines!
Posted by Chris Marwood on May 1, 2012 
What a setting.Awesome.Such clean air gives superb clarity. Living in Britain makes it impossible to realize what a water free landscape is like.Those mountains look unreal.Not a scrap of vegitation in sight. As for the 85 yr old locos..surely there is a environmental argument here for electric motive power. These locos going strong after so long..and presumably will keep going for as long as we want them to.From a natural resource perspective this has got to be the best way to utilize the metal and energy expended in their original manufacture,together with good manufacturing quality means that they do not need replacing ...only occasional maintenance and repair. Their grimy appearance lets them blend in well with the landscape
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