Posted by Loyd Lowry on February 25, 2012 
A fantastic snow capture. Thank you for sharing.
Posted by Jake B. on February 25, 2012 
Spectacular! Very nice shot.
Posted by Ray Peacock on February 25, 2012 
Very nice scene Alan.
Posted by Eric Williams on February 25, 2012 
Just beautiful Alan. The train really pops out in the monochrome scene.
Posted by Eugene Armer on February 25, 2012 
Brilliant shot Alan, surely a case of being in the right place at the right time!
Posted by Brian K. Zimmerman on February 27, 2012 
Now that's puuuurrrrty! Well executed!
Posted by Jim Thias on February 28, 2012 
Thanks for making the effort to get up there, Alan. Beautiful!
Posted by Craig Williams on February 28, 2012 
That is nice!
Posted by Scott Marsh on February 28, 2012 
Much better with snow.
Posted by on February 28, 2012 
Well done, Alan! This is one to be proud of. Beautifully captured. Thanks for sharing and well done on your POTW.
Posted by Carl Massart on February 28, 2012 
You sure do make the most out of that location! Now you just need a Summer and Fall POTW for the Four Seasons Grand Slam! Your Fall PCA#1 is like a triple so that doesn't count.
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on February 28, 2012 
Hills in Illinois...who knew? Excellent beautiful shot Alan.
Posted by Stephen Dance on March 1, 2012 
Congratulations Alan - A fine photo. I also see it made it into the UK online magazine Railway Herald this week
Posted by Adam Pizante on March 5, 2012 
Outstanding winter shot, love it!
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