Posted by on November 21, 2011 
WOW! The colors are excellent here, and that fog that seems to be rolling in towards you adds a great effect. PCA for me.
Posted by Eric Williams on November 21, 2011 
The backlighting and color are wonderful in this shot. Just beautiful...PCA from me.
Posted by on November 21, 2011 
Very nice photo, Jeremiah. Beautifully captured.
Posted by Wang Halen on November 21, 2011 
Absolutely stunning! PCA from me.
Posted by on November 21, 2011 
Stunning! Well done!
Posted by Michael Harding on November 21, 2011 
Just an all-around fantastic shot. Well done! PCA material.
Posted by Mitch Goldman on November 21, 2011 
POTW material there! A perfect exposure, I'll second Eric's comments. Just wonderful.
Posted by on November 21, 2011 
Sweet, this one would even make it in the new Senior's Division and a "Bob's Choice" Award for sure !!!
Posted by Jake McGarvie on November 21, 2011 
That is one bad as# shot. PCA for sure!
Posted by Nick Wilson on November 21, 2011 
Beautifully done!
Posted by AtlantaRails on November 21, 2011 
This is absolutely amazing, PCA vote for sure!
Posted by on November 21, 2011 
I was wrong... I told you that this was a "Screener's Choice for certain". PCA without a doubt. Nice shot Jer.
Posted by Laird Barber on November 22, 2011 
A slam dunk for PCA in my book. Great catch.
Posted by Bryant Kaden on November 22, 2011 
Congratulations on a gorgeous image! You deserve whatever awards this one gets, my friend.
Posted by familymansystem on November 22, 2011 
Posted by Loyd Lowry on November 22, 2011 
A powerful shot indeed. I absolutely love the mood and color. Congratulations on capturing such a great photo.
Posted by Nick Hart on November 22, 2011 
Excellent photo, Jeremiah! Congrats on POTW! PCA vote from me as well.
Posted by Brandon Smith on November 22, 2011 
Well deserved POTW. The light and the color in this photo just make it pop.
Posted by Craig Williams on November 22, 2011 
That is really nice!
Posted by Roberto V. Sousa on November 23, 2011 
Very nice colours!
Posted by Blair Kooistra on November 23, 2011 
Backlit! Front of the nose is dark! And STILL you got it by the screeners! Great job on a superb photograph and a bit of serendipity as well pre-visualization!
Posted by James Belmont on November 23, 2011 
Congratulations on a well deserved award for a stellar shot.
Posted by Renee on November 24, 2011 
I second Blair's comments and also wanted to say thanks for getting up and out at that hour for a sunrise photo. For that aspect I am almost jealous! Stunning photo.
Posted by Adam Pizante on November 25, 2011 
This image should have had received an S\C award, but it will surely get a PCA.
Posted by Mike Vandenberg on November 26, 2011 
One of your best, absolutely outstanding! Congratulations on the POTW!
Posted by Cameron Applegath on November 26, 2011 
Posted by Eugene Armer on November 29, 2011 
Talk about being in the right place at the right time! Well worth the early morning effort, Fantastic!
Posted by Stan Sienicki on December 10, 2011 
Awesome photo, I know a typical response but it's true, composed really well and the lighting effect is grand to this capture. Stan
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