Posted by Adam Pizante on November 21, 2011 
Very nice action shot, good job!
Posted by Gary on November 21, 2011 
I wish our freights were as "boring" as this in the UK!! Nice composition there David.
Posted by on November 21, 2011 
Magnificent, Dave. I love how you've got just a little bit of sun to help make those colors pop. The composition is wonderfully captured, as the train in the distance occupies that portion of the scene well and doesn't over power the primary subject. Good job.
Posted by on November 21, 2011 
That lead unit makes this photo seem like its almost fake. Amazing
Posted by Jake McGarvie on November 21, 2011 
Well done Dave! My favorite type of a shot: action and in your face. Keep 'em comin'.
Posted by Mitch Goldman on November 21, 2011 
Nice shot, Dave. Looking at it just reminds us all that "the show must go on". Nice contrast between bright and dreary.
Posted by Wharton Separk on November 22, 2011 
Very nice, indeed David ... really captures the action, great work there!
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