Posted by Robert Jackson on October 10, 2011 
OH YEAH THAT IS NICE! I had a great time touring this in Jackson! It's awesome that AmtrakĀ® really honored their history well! Phase 3 definetely looks the best!!!!
Posted by J. C. Smith, Jr. on October 10, 2011 
With that F40 carbody leading, this reminds me of the good old days of Amtrak, when they still had variety in locomotives and cars.
Posted by Wang Halen on October 11, 2011 
Awesome shot Aaron, the moon adds a lot to the scene.
Posted by John Sesonske on October 16, 2011 
Great rare catch with the F40 leading. First glance looked like a 90's shot.
Posted by on April 22, 2013 
This unit also has a new 3rd Generation K5LA air horn, and it's better than it's original P5A air horn it used to have.
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