Posted by on September 23, 2011 
Beautiful scene, Craig.
Posted by Samuel Phillips on September 23, 2011 
Another awesome shot, Craig!
Posted by Nick McLean on September 24, 2011 
Wow! Awesome shot!
Posted by Run8diesel on September 24, 2011 
Posted by Matthew Hicks on September 24, 2011 
You, sir, win at Saskatchewan. It's hard to see good shots there, especially ones with such complexity as this. I salute you!
Posted by AtlantaRails on September 24, 2011 
Absolutely awesome! Gotta love the wide open country out there where you can see the train a mile before it gets to you.
Posted by Alan Craig on September 24, 2011 
That is a fantastic shot of a truly amazing scene!
Posted by Thomas Seiler on September 26, 2011 
More great work Craig! Keep it coming, you have been doing some awesome stuff up there in Saskatchewan (one of my favorite places) as well as down in North Dakota.
Posted by Dave Blaze... on September 27, 2011 
Oh man that is cool. Well done Craig!
Posted by Mitch Goldman on September 30, 2011 
I'll second Matthew here - absolutely superb!
Posted by Jim Thias on October 3, 2011 
Nice one, Craig. The sky is killer, too.
Posted by Jake McGarvie on October 4, 2011 
This image really captures Canadian prairie scenery. Big sky, big wheat fields and big power on the head end. O'Canada for sure>
Posted by J. Morton on December 10, 2012 
I just got the 2013 CP calendar. Congratulations on having your photo selected.
Posted by J. Morton on December 5, 2013 
Did you know CP 9114 lead the first Canadian Pacific Holiday Train in 1999?
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