Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on July 8, 2011 
Nice photo and addition to the database. May I personally thank you for the all the data you have been compiling on the steam locomotives we can see on exhibit in the USA. Without history, these locomotives are nothing more than piles of metal. Great job Jeff!
Posted by Dave Crosby on July 9, 2011 
Thanks for that history Jeff. Stories like that abound and this one I had never heard.
Posted by Jeff Terry on July 9, 2011 
Thanks Dennis!
Posted by Sport! on July 11, 2011 
The "5 Spot" has seen better days indeed! Still, this is quite an exhibit of narrwow gauge not too mention the log-car and Thunder Lake's actual (& only) Passenger/Business car that was rescued from being a "lakeside cottage". If you are ever in the proximity of Hodag Country (aka Rhinelander) this museum campus is a "must-see". It is an eclectic collabortaion of Northwoods history from the Pioneer days to late 20th Century, but it's logging focus is par-none!
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