Posted by Bill Caywood on May 24, 2011 
These look great with the silver stripe ! As much as I loved the Louisville & Nashville when they ran these rails, I am very glad that MR. Corman owns his Kentucky Lines. Mr. Corman takes great pride in his railroad, if he sees one of his cars with graffity, it gets repainted Fast ! Several weeks ago Rick was flying his helicopter over this line, following a sand train (like this one). Mr. Corman had a Newspaper reporter on board, and according to the article that ran in the Lexington Herald. The train had one empty car, and one car with graffity. Mr. Corman was not pleased, and stated that both conditions would be corrected ! Every piece of equipment that Mr. Corman owns from a very small Trackmobile to his largest locomotives both Steam and Diesel, is seen by MR. C as an add for his companies. A steady diet of CSX and NS would get very old very fast. R.J. Corman Railroads are always a welcome addition to the Kentucky Rail Scene !
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