Posted by csxlover on February 4, 2011 
Did you folks in Guthrie suffer from this weeks storm or are those old telegraph poles?
Posted by Jon R. Roma on February 4, 2011 
Dave, the pole line was retired years ago when IC converted the track to coded circuits, and I suspect this pole has been down for a long time.
Posted by Frank Jolin on February 4, 2011 
Awesome snow action shot!
Posted by Jim Sinclair on February 5, 2011 
Jon... This is an tremendous snow shot and congrats on your very first photo to RP.Net reaching the "Top 2 of Past 24 Hours" status! Great work and welcome aboard RP.Net, my friend!
Posted by csxlover on February 9, 2011 
Excuse me Jon I'm not Dave.
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