Posted by Bicot (Marc Caya) on September 29, 2010 
Now, that's my kind of picture! Diesel engines... I also like the fact that the subject repeats itelf across the picture.
Posted by Bill Grenchik on September 29, 2010 
Great Shot! It's kinda surreal, the front of those look like they have haunting faces and the clouds... they just add to it
Posted by Charles Freericks on September 29, 2010 
Great image.
Posted by Jeff Sell on September 29, 2010 
Diesel Stone Henge! Very thoughtfully created image.
Posted by Juan C. GarcĂ­a on September 29, 2010 
Nice to see this shot in the Database, Great atmosphere!! PCA vote.
Posted by on September 29, 2010 
It doesn't even look real! Very nicely processed and certainly a unique subject. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by W. D. Shaw on September 29, 2010 
Like I said, PCA from me! I just love this shot!
Posted by Dave Jacobs on September 29, 2010 
That is my kind of lawn ornament! Love it.
Posted by Vicky Zygmunt on September 29, 2010 
Nice job, Chris! Just in time for Halloween
Posted by AtlantaRails on September 30, 2010 
Glad you submitted this one Chris, very dramatic composition, you have my vote for PCA.
Posted by Gary on September 30, 2010 
Not every day you see a graveyard for 645's, a legend amongst primemovers, how cool is that?
Posted by Jon Clark on September 30, 2010 
Typical Youngstown scenario. Rusty train stuff and cloudy skies. Fantastic photograph.
Posted by larrym on September 30, 2010 
This scene would look great on a model railroad mine
Posted by Mitch Goldman on September 30, 2010 
Cool shot, Chris. Nice to see something different, especially from Larry's Truck and Electric!
Posted by Samuel Phillips on October 3, 2010 
A very neat photo you have there, Chris! Good job on capturing it!
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