Posted by Jeff Sell on September 14, 2010 
I never had a field trip like this when I was in school! Glad to see the observent teacher was taking advantage of the circumstances.
Posted by SeanK97 on September 16, 2010 
A teacher actually teaching a bit of history prior to 1980, wow what a concept. I absolutely applaud the teacher and school and parents to allow this. It's a wonderful thing to let the kids see something so massive and successful that wasn't designed and built using calculators and computers as all is today. Let's hear it for the FWRHS crew and the designers of this beautiful machine.
Posted by Tom Gorton on September 17, 2010 
Nice thing about this is that kids and trains are like kids and puppies.....they just naturally go together! My hat's off to that teacher for giving the kids a day they'll always remember.
Posted by on September 18, 2010 
What a sight! I am glad to see school district's still do such things as this, its a great sight to behold.
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