Posted by Tom Mugnano on August 22, 2010 
Excellent job using that 10-22 Walter.. I also like how you went thru the extra effort to fix the natural bowing that lens creates
Posted by on August 22, 2010 
One of the best, Walter! Even 10mm was barely wide enough. Glad I was able to help you guys out with the lighting.
Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on August 22, 2010 
Outstanding Walter. Great idea, even better execution. Well done!
Posted by Sid Vaught on August 22, 2010 
Does he have a pilot engineer because he must be on trackage rights on the N&W.
Posted by Loyd Lowry on August 22, 2010 
I loved the idea, just didn't have the lens for it. Good to see the shot received the proper recognition it deserved Walter. Well Done.
Posted by Adam Pizante on August 25, 2010 
I must say this is one well done shot Walter! PCA from me.
Posted by Carson Goodling on February 7, 2011 
This is neat, Walter, looking down that line with the engineer's point of view.
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