Posted by Steven M. Welch on April 26, 2010 
Oh come on, as if I didn't hate you enough already you have to tease me with it on here? I smell a cliche POTW/PCA combo upcoming...
Posted by Travis Dewitz on April 26, 2010 
One of the best shot I have seen.
Posted by David Hawkins on April 26, 2010 
It takes my breath away. Amazing!
Posted by on April 26, 2010 
Oh my, John. Oh my.. You've out done yourself on this one! Perfectly composed and executed. This scene took some thought, and it certainly paid off. Very well exposed, spot on color, and everything received a fair amount of light. Needless to say, you've got my PCA vote and I look for this on the homepage tomorrow as a POTW.
Posted by Ray Peacock on April 26, 2010 
I'm jealous.
Posted by Bryant Kaden on April 26, 2010 
Wow! My instant all-time favorite from you right here, John. Absolutely perfect!
Posted by on April 27, 2010 
I was wondering when you were going to upload this to RP and sweep the awards... first in the series is the Screener's Choice. This is simply an amazing photo and I lack other descriptive words for this masterpiece!
Posted by on April 27, 2010 
Oingo Boingo!
Posted by Gales of November on April 27, 2010 
I was about to complain about no SC till I noticed it was! Simply amazing John! Send it to WSOR they usually like to display things like this!
Posted by Bo Gray on April 27, 2010 
Excellent shot...outstanding POV and spot-on exposure. An absolute winner.
Posted by Joel Hinkhouse on April 27, 2010 
Great job on somehow again bringing a unique perspective to this site, John.
Posted by Jim Thias on April 27, 2010 
Great job, John.
Posted by Nathan Lafond on April 27, 2010 
Thats incredible! Awesome shot, John!
Posted by John Benner on April 27, 2010 
A very creative take on the night photo.
Posted by Paul Hoffmann on April 28, 2010 
Didn't even notice in the thumbnail the cab interior was oof. I opened up the picture and...WOW! Great shot!
Posted by R.R. Conway on April 28, 2010 
Beautiful photograph John. Very inspiring!
Posted by J. Alex Lang on April 28, 2010 
It helps to know people, doesn't it? This is a great idea, and great execution. Good to meet you at CRPA, John!
Posted by Charles Bonville on April 29, 2010 
Posted by LNP on May 9, 2010 
OMG that's a wonderful photo!
Posted by Bobbie Sue Baker on May 23, 2010 
really cool perspective and colors.
Posted by Paul Petersen on May 26, 2010 
A new classic, excellent execution on so many fronts. OWL would be proud if he was still with us. Pete
Posted by Chris Walters on May 10, 2011 
There's nothing about this shot that is not very special! Beautiful work!
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