Posted by Steven M. Welch on December 25, 2009 
Very cool shot, a spot that not everyone knows exists at Hirschdale! Well done, Marty.
Posted by Nick A. Kaminski on December 25, 2009 
Looks a little wet. The date and location on this shot brings back some, then miserable, now fond, memories of a trip I took that same weekend just a bit northwest, to the Feather River. Three people (and gear), a tiny '84 Subaru, down from Washington, just to ride in a dome behind the U.P. E-Units down the "Las Plumas." Heavy rain, wind, lightning, the entire time... and lots of rock slides. Oroville greeted us with a tornado on arrival. Planned to photograph the first day and ride the second. I believe it was May 1'st and 2'nd. The canyon ended up closing to traffic (rail and vehicle) by the end of the first day; we were still on the road. Our trip ended up riding over Altamont to Stockton; I was pissed! Now, I love throwing those slides in to a show just to see reactions I get.
Posted by Travis Dewitz on December 25, 2009 
Very nice!
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