Posted by Dave Blaze... on January 9, 2009 
Fabulous composition and lighting Justin. The black and white really works and the footprints lead your eye toward the train but then seem to turn away as if acknowledging that it's just not the same anymore. I love your photo and the remarks wonderfully written and a great tribute. I'll vote you a PCA for this. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by Frank Keller on January 10, 2009 
I too like this shot and think the black and white works well. In addition I always find a photo more enjoyable when someone takes the time to write something more than just where, when, etc. Very nice. Thanks for posting.
Posted by Joe Geronimo on January 10, 2009 
Justin I enjoyed this photo very much and have photographed this line myself several times. As a matter of fact I will be there in April. By the way Phil Hastings, Alan Thomas and Scott Hartley have really small feet! LOL.
Posted by Janusz Mrozek on August 16, 2012 
Nicely executed shot!
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