Posted by Nscalemike on July 24, 2008 
Talking about blending in with the scenery! Nice capture Cristiano.
Posted by onondagafred23a on July 24, 2008 
WOW those units got dirty! I rember seeing pictures of when they were new on here.
Posted by Cristiano R. Oliveira on July 24, 2008 
Thanks for comments guys. Makes me feel happily that you liked the place and the photo so, it was very hard to arrive at this place, I had to pay a taxi more or less 45 dollars, then I can see that it was worthwhile. Unfortunately the CVRD changed of name, logo and colors. The new name will be VALE and the locomotives are being repainted by the new colors that will be green, yellow and gray, then I am trying to register the maximum the locomotives with the traditional colors that so much I like. Here the Brazilian Railfans did not like the changes and they are preferring the ancient name logo and colors.
Posted by Gordon Graham on July 25, 2008 
It is hard to believe they are the glossy , brand new locomotives that I saw on just around 1 year before .
Posted by E.D. Motis on July 26, 2008 
Excellent......The EMD's have never looked better. With respect to being dirty, they are simply earning their keep. Please post a VALE unit as soon as you photograph one. I am sure they will be interesting.
Posted by Cristiano R. Oliveira on July 26, 2008 
Ok E.D. Motis, but just one unit have been painted with the new colors, the Dash 9#9023 so, if a have luck of shot it I put here for you!
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