Posted by Edward P. Sarber on July 8, 2008 
Stellar photo... but how did you drop two lenses?
Posted by Stu Levene on July 8, 2008 
I dropped a much cheaper lens (a Nikon 70-300 G worth about $300) at Archer Hill in Wyoming back in 2002. Actually, my deck-chair collapsed and the lens stopped ME from hitting the ground! Luckily, I had travel insurance.
Posted by Nscalemike on July 9, 2008 
Major OUCH Darren...I dropped my "L" Series lens too...but fortunately it hit filter first...I only had to replace the filter at 40 bucks. BTW, another killer image from Tehachapi.
Posted by andy parr on July 9, 2008 
At least they never fell in to water,that hurts.
Posted by Doug Bradley on July 9, 2008 
I've heard of taking one for the team, but wow. Some days it just isn't woth getting out of bed. I'm sorry to hear you had so much trouble, but for what it's worth, you did git a nice shot.
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