Posted by Nigel Cliff on February 11, 2008 
You are so lucky to get these snowy landscapes that show off the engines so well, the almost head on composition suits this really well.
Posted by Mitch Goldman on February 11, 2008 
Excellent! Love the contrast and colors (an interesting mix that works so well). The poles lined up to the left are a nice touch too. A PC contender.
Posted by Allen Bunn on February 11, 2008 
Awesome Snow Shot!
Posted by Andrew Blaszczyk (2) on February 11, 2008 
Not sure how this slipped by me until it was brought to my attention by a fellow commenter. Just another outstanding shot from New Englanders finest photog!
Posted by Tom Mugnano on February 11, 2008 
As usual you nailed another great shot Ryan. Well done!
Posted by John Kloczkowski on February 11, 2008 
You have done it again. Wow!!!
Posted by Adam G on February 13, 2008 
What A great shot. You have some great shots ryan keep it up.
Posted by Travis Dewitz on July 27, 2008 
Great Shot!!
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