Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on December 10, 2007 
This is the most naked steam locomotive on display I have ever seen! Where are all the missing parts? Good grief! I hope plans are to put her clothes' back on. Otherwise the general public is going to get a very strange idea of what locomotive looks like.
Posted by Dark_Viper01 on December 10, 2007 
It is odd to se a C&O engine at a PRR depot. It's been like that as long as I can remember, I'm shure there was a plan to cosmeticly restore it at one time. They should just tow it about 40 miles west and let the Morgan Run Crew work on it. The depot is in great shape on the other hand, if aynone is ever in the area you should stop by.
Posted by Drew Jacksich on December 10, 2007 
In that condition, one could almost think that locomotive had spent time at the California State Railroad Museum.
Posted by PRR6755 on May 1, 2017 
As a side note, but... why couldnt jerry jacobson see this engine and buy it for HIS roundhouse
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