Posted by Stephen Guthrie on June 18, 2007 
This guys has a death wish. I knew a guy who died riding in the very location on a car. Not good.
Posted by Sam Davey on June 19, 2007 
I agree we cant ride on the end of a car at all, only the side. If you fall off for some reason you will get cut in half.
Posted by on June 19, 2007 
This is more to me what railroading is, moreso than a set of GEVOs or ACEs speeding down a main line somewhere. Thanks for sharing, Andrew! -- Joe H.
Posted by Paul Hammond on June 19, 2007 
He is riding behind the bar...if he was out infront of it, that might be unsafe. I think that's a pretty safe place to ride.
Posted by Sam Davey on June 19, 2007 
Not always Paul. Alot of those C6's are open bottom behind the walkways. If you ride on the end like that you dont leave your self an out in case of collision with something. A C6 is the easiest car to ride the side of(in my opinion)
Posted by Len Dunlap on June 19, 2007 
Actually that is the safest (and authorized)way to shove a covered hopper. Most have floors in them. If not there is places to stand. Much better ride than a boxcar :)
Posted by TJ Mahan on June 19, 2007 
I have done this several times, yet it is unsafe as the job itself, it is possibly the safest way to ride a long shove. Hanging on the side of a car for more than three minutes makes the hand and feet go numb, not to mention being constantly wacked in the face by limbs and branches along the right of way. Great image of true railroading in action!
Posted by Jason on June 19, 2007 
IDK what rr authorizes riding the end of one of those but theres no way you're gonna catch me doing it... Only the side ladders are authorized on any rr I've ever heard of
Posted by Sam Davey on June 19, 2007 
Well maybe this is ok for a shortline with relaxed rules but not a class one. If any of our train masters saw me riding on the end of a car it would be an ops test failure and a level S violation. Riding the end of a freight car is one of our "8 deadly decisions". Im with Jason on this one. By the way Andy, wheres my red GP9 pictures? LOL
Posted by Burt Foster on June 19, 2007 
GCOR 6.5 Crew member must take an easily visible position on the leading car or engine.
Posted by on June 19, 2007 
Riding here takes a lot of pinch points away on long moves. If you're shoving 2 or 3 miles with maybe 8 or 10 road crossings in there, I'd really like to be somewhere that would keep me safe if I smacked a vehicle, or especially if a car/truck/bus was to hit the car I was riding happens a lot more than you think, people....theres been plenty of times where if I hadn't rode there, my legs would be gone or my entire body crushed by a motor vehicle of some sort...somethin to think, long comment....nice shot Andrew
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