Posted by on March 22, 2007 
Nice photo, but I would like to know if the trains that run down through Jack London Square have to follow any "Rules of the Road" laws that cars have to follow. I know that in Modesto, trains followed the traffic light patterns and everything. So if you can email me back on that, that would be great!
Posted by Ryan M. Martin on March 22, 2007 
Besides the UP timetable rules and any special instruction in each day's track bulletin, Dispatcher 58's signals govern the trains movements through "Da Square" and of course engineer common sense when it comes to unruly pedestrians and drivers doing dumb things. FYI there are no traffic lights down Embarcadero and only one stop sign for traffic running n Embarcadero at the intersection of Broadway. Train signals exist on the Waterside Main #1 and the Landside Main #2 at the compass West side at CP King St (left in photo) and the East side of Landside Main #2 at the OKJ Amtrak / Capital Corridor station at CP North Jack London.
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