Posted by Willie Brown on March 2, 2007 
It just doesn't get better than that.... Great catch!
Posted by on March 2, 2007 
Very nice shot, Chris!
Posted by Dean Kaplan on March 2, 2007 
Cool rainbow and shot Chris!!
Posted by BNSF SAMMY on March 2, 2007 
Thats an impressive lash up! Great shot.
Posted by Jim Thias on March 2, 2007 
Staged shot! An engineer friend parked his train for you while another friend flew his plane through the clouds and seeded them to make it rain for a moment, creating this wonderful photo op! ;-) Seriously, though..EXCELLENT timing, Chris.
Posted by WGrow on March 3, 2007 
It could only be better if you could have gotten the rainbow to straddle the train.. now that's a challenge I'll put anyone up to.. excellent work here, truly inspirational.
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