Posted by StmTrolleyguy on January 13, 2007 
Just wondering.... What are they actually doing in the photo? Looks to me like they are heating the wheel, possibly got get the tire w/flange off? Just a guess.
Posted by on January 13, 2007 
The tire was heated to allow the installation of a shim that would fit between the tire and the wheel center. The shim fit the entire diameter of the wheel center. The purpose of the chain attached to the crankpin allowed the rotation of the wheel while the shim was installed. This was all done due to the tire slipping on the wheel center.
Posted by Bicot (Marc Caya) on January 13, 2007 
Wow! So that's how they do it? Thanks for sharing with us Mark!
Posted by William Diehl on January 14, 2007 
Wow...I had no Idea you could do the ring of fire while still in the frame...everytime I've seen it done the axle and wheels are removed and done with axle hanging up to down.
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