Posted by Bryan Bell on January 21, 2006 
Woooah, This is an amazing photo Dave!
Posted by on January 21, 2006 
Dave, you don't need me to tell you this is an amazing shot, but I'm going to anyway. AMAZING SHOT!
Posted by Chris Kilroy on January 21, 2006 
What a unique and interesting shot. Thanks for sharing, Dave!
Posted by Joshua Hein on January 21, 2006 
Nice shot. I must say you are a brave man to take photos at -12F
Posted by Dave Kerr on January 21, 2006 
Outstanding photo, Dave.
Posted by Andrew Blaszczyk (2) on January 21, 2006 
Unbeatable!! Next PotW for sure!!! Unbelievable shot. Very, very nice work yet again, Dave!
Posted by billnict on January 21, 2006 
Simply Amazing!
Posted by Ryan Parent on January 21, 2006 
Very Cool Dave!
Posted by Brandon Smith on January 21, 2006 
Thermal inversion at its best. Great work and incredible photo.
Posted by Joseph LeMay on January 21, 2006 
Taconite pellets - also a weather controlling device. That is way cool!
Posted by Bicot (Marc Caya) on January 21, 2006 
Now, that's something you don't see everyday!!!
Posted by on January 21, 2006 
Incredible...just outstanding work!!! Dude, your photos are AMAZING! Your DMIR photos are incredible...keep up the awesome work!
Posted by Nick Hart on January 21, 2006 
Sometimes you're in the right place at the right time. Simply outstanding, Dave! Nick Hart
Posted by Bret Stringer on January 21, 2006 
That's an amazing effect. Nice work.
Posted by Christopher M. Palmieri on January 21, 2006 
Incredible....Stunning....Awesome....Outstanding....Beautiful....WOW!....All apply here! Great shot!
Posted by Matt C. Batryn-Rodriguez on January 21, 2006 
WOW~!!!! That turend out awesome. thanks for shareing =)
Posted by Alex Ramos on January 21, 2006 
Awesome photo! Right place, and right time, and also the right temperature. : - )
Posted by Erick Anderson on January 22, 2006 
Posted by on January 22, 2006 
Incredible picture, and absolutely beautiful !
Posted by on January 22, 2006 
Great photo! Definitely one of the best on this site!
Posted by Brendan Cooper on January 22, 2006 
Definitely a photo worth the chance of a little frostbite! Awesome!
Posted by Greg Dahbura on January 22, 2006 
I'm in awe.... Awesome work.
Posted by Joshua Humeston on January 23, 2006 
Um...i'm at a loss for words. Wow!! If anything, this should be Photo Of The Year!
Posted by BNSF SAMMY on January 24, 2006 
Excellent shot!! Well deserved POTW!
Posted by John Fladung on January 24, 2006 
Awesome picture!!! It's hard to use words to describe this!!! I'm simply in "ah"!
Posted by billnict on January 24, 2006 
Congrats on the POTW!
Posted by Stu Levene on January 25, 2006 
I know airplane vapour trails can cause clouds to form, but this is the first I've seen from a train!!!
Posted by Matt Petersen on January 25, 2006 
I'll add my comments, this is hands down the best picture I have seen in a long time, keep up the great work
Posted by Tim Wakeman on January 28, 2006 
I'm jealous.........
Posted by Christian Signorelli on February 8, 2006 
Wow! Superb photo! Simply outstanding effects. Fantastic job!
Posted by Dean Kaplan on March 14, 2006 
wow now that is a stunning photo, great shot dave
Posted by chucknlead on April 26, 2006 
Twelve below? That's enough to put icicles on my taconite pellets!
Posted by Mike Lucek on March 27, 2007 
I hate to repeat what everyone else has already said, but I will anyway, "WOW WOW WOW !!!"
Posted by Janusz Mrozek on April 11, 2007 
Superb, no need to say more!
Posted by on December 6, 2007 
Congratulations on getting this photo in the Jan 08 issue of Trains mag.
Posted by on June 22, 2008 
This is completely and totaly amazing. Before i clicked on the link to the photo, i thought it was a steam engin.
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