Posted by Jack Shand on December 29, 2005 
My word, that is simply unbelievable. Call it naivety, but I was under the assumtion that track was supposed to be level. Very interesting angle of photograh.
Posted by Bicot (Marc Caya) on December 29, 2005 
Eeeewww! Awfull tracks! Great shot Greg.
Posted by Telus6429 on December 30, 2005 
I would hate to be that crew on that train. I know I would loose my coffee after 1 bump.
Posted by Joshua Humeston on December 30, 2005 
Looks like the Upper Harlem Line between Dover Plains, NY and Chatham, NY did when it was under Penn Central conrtol years ago. Great shot, love the perspective!
Posted by Burnuts on December 30, 2005 
Just doesn't look right! Almost playing tricks in my head...
Posted by hilfszug on December 31, 2005 
Very interesting railroading ;-), How long is this section of track? What speed ist permitted? Is a videoclip available that shows the "movement" of the vehicles? Great picture!!
Posted by Greg Dahbura on December 31, 2005 
It's about a half mile long at most.... crosses the wooden trestle then through this mumbo jumbo they call rails. At most its 5 MPH running.... they head down then back up it.
Posted by Adam Weddle on December 18, 2006 
Nice shot! That is by far the worst track I've seen active.
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