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Robertas Salciunas
- Contact Robertas Salciunas -

Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 20
Views: 48,097 Screener's Choice: 0
Favorites: 42 People's Choice: 0
Comments: 2 Photo of the Week: 0
Avg Views: 2,404.85
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Personal Information
Location: Lithuania, Prienai
Occupation: Environmental engineer
Interests: Railway photography and videography (and some other activities).

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: SLR Canon T70, Canon PS A530 and DSLR Olympus E-510.
Lenses Used: Canon zoom lens FD 35-70mm and 70-210 mm (for T70) and 14-42 mm and 42-150 mm (for Olympus).

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