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Spencer T. Whitman
- Contact Spencer T. Whitman -

Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 133
Views: 411,289 Screener's Choice: 0
Favorites: 1,732 People's Choice: 5
Comments: 58 Photo of the Week: 0
Avg Views: 3,092.40
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Personal Information
Location: Marshfield, Missouri
Occupation: Student
Website: http://www.railpictures.net/showphotos.php?userid=74253
Interests: Railphotography, Trains, Playing Guitar, Traveling

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: Cannon EOS Rebel T5, Nikon D40
Lenses Used: Cannon 18-55mm, Cannon 75-300mm, Nikkor 18-55mm

Photo Albums
At the Throttle Album Views: 38,181
In cab shots of locomotives
Deteriorated Album Views: 48,113
Old and deteriorated locomotives, railcars, and stations that reminds of a railroads history and heritage.
A Veiw From AboveAlbum Views: 78,380
Aerial shots from drones, helicopters, or other high locations.

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