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Andreas Lindner
- Contact Andreas Lindner -

Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 116
Views: 177,719 Screener's Choice: 0
Favorites: 599 People's Choice: 0
Comments: 7 Photo of the Week: 0
Avg Views: 1,532.06
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Personal Information
Location: Southwest corner of Germany
Occupation: teacher
Interests: Photography, railroads, planes, to draw, to paint, art, to travel, modelrailways, working for magazines

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: now Nikon D810 and other, in the past Yashica Mat124-G, then Hasselblad 2000FCW and 201F
Lenses Used: Nikon 24-70mm, 85mm, 70-300mm, Zeiss 2,8 110mm

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