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OBrian Harmon
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Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 90
Views: 191,761 Screener's Choice: 0
Favorites: 413 People's Choice: 0
Comments: 35 Photo of the Week: 0
Avg Views: 2,130.68
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Personal Information
Location: Pocatello, ID

Photo Albums
Boy, It Must Have Been Nice!Album Views: 8,025
Favorite shots before my time.
Pro P.O.V.Album Views: 8,324
A compilation of my favorite photographs taken from a slightly different point of view, images that catch your eye right from the thumbnail. These aren't your typical 3/4 wedgie aim & shoot pix, but well executed compositions, truly works of art.
50 Shades Of BlueAlbum Views: 21,081
Leasers & DemonstratorsAlbum Views: 12,813
Fries With That?Album Views: 19,720
A tribute to the production line of SD70M (ACs), SD80MACs, and SD90MACs. The big MAC's!!
Night LightsAlbum Views: 55,356
Things don't stop once the sun goes down.
Shining BrightAlbum Views: 70,673
The colors in these photos seem to really "POP!"

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