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Bob Kise
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Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 1,049
Views: 4,340,009 Screener's Choice: 0
Favorites: 16,453 People's Choice: 0
Comments: 897 Photo of the Week: 0
Avg Views: 4,137.28
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Personal Information
Occupation: Designer
Interests: Trains and history

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: 35 mm: Exakta VX-500, Fujica ST-705, and Nikon FG-20; digital: Panasonic DMC-FZ8.
Lenses Used: Normal, 135 mm, 28 mm, 43-75 zoom, and digital zoom

Photo Albums
Western MarylandAlbum Views: 738
Fast Freight Line
The Main Line of Mid-AmericaAlbum Views: 4,891
Historic and Modern IC and ICG Views
The Milwaukee RoadAlbum Views: 25,818
Favorite photos of a fallen flag
The Great Pennsy ElectrificationAlbum Views: 67,614
Trains under wires strung by the PRR

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