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Mike S. Repp
- Contact Mike S. Repp -

Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 229
Views: 1,053,693 Screener's Choice: 2
Favorites: 5,029 People's Choice: 8
Comments: 332 Photo of the Week: 2
Avg Views: 4,601.28
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Personal Information
Location: Vancouver, WA
Occupation: Circus Ringleader
Website: www.i$hityounot.com
Interests: Um, trains, music, watching the Dallas Cowboys lose and a bunch of other eclectic stuff too numerous to mention here. Bitten by the Colorado & New Mexico narrow gauge steam bug in August 2003.

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: Nikon FM & FM2 (film) Canon 20D & 60D (digital)
Lenses Used: Nikon 24mm, 50mm, 105mm & 80-200mm zoom (film). Canon 10-22mm zoom, 17-85mm zoom, 24-105mm zoom & 70-200mm zoom (digital)

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