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Mick Barstow.
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Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 187
Views: 443,682 Screener's Choice: 0
Favorites: 336 People's Choice: 0
Comments: 15 Photo of the Week: 0
Avg Views: 2,372.63
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Personal Information
Location: Langford, Bedfordshire, UK.
Occupation: Train Driver Manager.
Website: https://www.flickr.com/photos/12297585@N05
Interests: Railway Photography, Football, Real Ale and Walking.

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: Canon EOS 1D (Mk2) and Canon 60D
Lenses Used: 50MM F1.8 USM prime lens. 24-70 F2.8 USM lens. 28-105 IS USM lens and 28-300MM IS USM Telephoto.

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