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Frank Orona
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Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 2,535
Views: 8,120,795 Screener's Choice: 2
Favorites: 17,223 People's Choice: 1
Comments: 1,290 Photo of the Week: 0
Avg Views: 3,203.47
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Personal Information
Location: Heart of Dixie
Occupation: Quality Control
Interests: Auburn Tiger Football, Model railroading, Colorado Avalanche Hockey

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: Nikon D500
Lenses Used: 10-24mm, 18-105mm, 70-300mm, 18-200mm

Photo Albums
Night GalleryAlbum Views: 26,749
Whose line is it anyway?Album Views: 28,641
Photos of locomotive consists that make you wonder whose train this really is.
Next Load Any RoadAlbum Views: 24,224
Pictures of the interesting commodities railroads carry and the equipment used to haul it.
Cast to Last & Rolled RailsAlbum Views: 24,411
Photos of the components that support America's Steel Highway
Railroad ArtAlbum Views: 27,175
Logos and other unique artwork adorning the sides of trains.

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Photo: Chris Starnes - RailCanon
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Photo: G. M. Hinkle
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