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Ted Harrison
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Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 55
Views: 163,095 Screener's Choice: 1
Favorites: 483 People's Choice: 1
Comments: 19 Photo of the Week: 0
Avg Views: 2,965.36
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Personal Information
Location: Vancouver, BC
Website: http://www.tedharrisonphotography.com https://www.instagram.com/tedharrisonphotography

Photo Albums
Shallow Depth of FieldAlbum Views: 3,492
Railway photographs typically have deep depth of field ... these photos see things differently.
Stunning SteamAlbum Views: 34,453
Images of steam locomotives that are nothing short of stunning!
Canadian Public TransitAlbum Views: 15,431
Images that depict rail based public transit in Canada, whether LRT, streetcars, metro, or commuter heavy rail services.
BC Rail SteamAlbum Views: 5,054
Photographs of the BC Rail steam program from 1974-2001.
People of the RailroadAlbum Views: 43,845
Photographs that depict train crews and other railroad employees at work. After all, the trains don't run themselves!

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